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Soundcraft Founder Graham Blyth To Perform 130th AES Convention Organ Recital

The recital will be held at Lincoln's Inn Chapel.

Audio Engineering Society Fellow and Soundcraft Founder and Technical Director Graham Blyth will perform an Organ Recital at the 130th AES Convention at Lincoln’s Inn Chapel in London on Friday, May 13th commencing at 8.00 PM.

Graham’s program includes works by Bach, Franck, contemporary composer Dennis Wickens and a complete performance of Widor’s 5th Organ Symphony, the final movement of which is the famous Toccata.

This will be Graham’s 33rd concert recital for the AES.

Graham Blyth is one of the world’s most respected audio designers, having developed a series of groundbreaking products that carry the Soundcraft label.

A fellow of the AES, he is also a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts—other notable fellows include Stephen Hawking, Nelson Mandela, Charles Dickens and Alexander Graham Bell.

Lincoln’s Inn Chapel is just northeast of New Square in London. The only open entrance into Lincoln’s Inn will be via the Security Barrier at the northwest corner of New Square.

The nearest Tube is Holborn: walk down Kingsway, turn left at Sardinia Street and walk straight along the lower edge of Lincoln’s Inn Fields towards New Square. Google Maps Satellite View shows the Chapel just below Old Square.


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