Study Hall

In The Studio: Takes Vs. Punching (Video)

Choosing from two different styles in going for what works best for the artist and session...
Article provided by Home Studio Corner.

In the following video, Joe Gilder talks about various styles of capturing a recording.

Specifically, do you prefer takes or punching? And what works best for the particular artist and session?

Takes, of course, are usually the longer form, working to get the track down in extended sessions.

On the other hand, there’s punching, which is a much shorter “stop and go” format. It can work to speed the process and help quickly fix blemishes and problem spots.

Which is best? As with most things audio, it likely comes down to a combination that works right for your style and needs. Check out Joe’s overview on the issue.

Joe Gilder is a Nashville-based engineer, musician, and producer who also provides training and advice at the Home Studio Corner. Note that Joe also offers highly effective training courses, including Understanding Compression and Understanding EQ.

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