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Reclaiming Systems Integration Clients With Sound Engineering

Bringing customers back in the fold with custom audio solutions...
This article is provided by Commercial Integrator

Let’s face it: true commercial systems integrators’ reputations have taken a hit by clients’ bad experiences with not-so-true integrators.

Having supported customers for a manufacturer, I can attest that there are many customers left unsure of who to trust. Tired and frustrated, they don’t want to trust any integrators.

There needs to be a vast change in the way integrators handle customers. How we offer to help them, I believe, provides us the best opportunity to resolve their system problems and leave them satisfied with their financial investments.

Commercial integrators must begin by talking to the customer. By fully understanding their problems and concerns, we can begin to build relationships with these customers. They must be lasting relationships, which we hope will continue past the completion of any work we might do.

It’s not merely about telling them what they want to hear, it’s about offering solutions. We need to understand what our customers’ means are, and then we need to work within them.

Bring Integration Back To Sound Systems
Forget about what merely can make a sale. We first need to find out what functionality the customer needs.

They may have their own ideas for future expansions, or perhaps would like an upgrade to the latest technology. This will give us a good idea of where this customer wants to go with the system, and will help offer them the best solution.

If new equipment needs to be added to an existing system, choose gear that will complement what the customer already has.

Avoid adding equipment that will merely add “fluff” to the system. Discuss all facets of the system with the customer.

Many times, if we communicate better with the customer, we can better understand what it is that they want.

As audio integrators, we share a common goal. We design and install sound systems that are custom-fit to that particular customer. They have approached us to come up with a unique system that will fit their needs and budget.

However, our role involves much more than just offering a one-time solution.

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