Study Hall

Tech Tip Of The Day: Linear-Phase Or Regular EQ

When should I use a linear-phase EQ versus a "regular" equalizer?

Provided by Sweetwater.

Q: I’ve been teaching myself to record by reading articles and tutorials online for a number for a number of years. I’ve learned a lot, but I have a question for you which may be trivial to some.

When it comes to EQ, I now know (I didn’t before!) that there are options.

When should I use a linear-phase EQ versus a “regular” equalizer?

A: As with all processing tools, when there’s one there will always be many options.

The hallmark of a linear-phase EQ, such as those from Waves, is the lack of coloration resulting from the EQ.

So it’s perfect for when you want to adjust the frequency balance of signal without adding unnecessary coloration from the processing.

This lack of coloration makes linear-phase EQ ideal for acoustic instruments where transparency is paramount; stereo sources, for excellent channel correlation, tracks with strong transients, and for mastering.

As always, we welcome input from the PSW community and would love to know your opinion on linear-phase vs. “regular” EQ. Feel free to let us know in the comments below.

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