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New, State-Of-The-Art Black Mirror Studio Chooses Dual Euphonix Consoles

"Our intention is to meet the most ambitious recording requirements from pop-rock music to metal, from jazz to classical and chamber music." - Filippo Travani, Owner, Black Mirror Studios

Newly opened in 2009, Black Mirror Studios has installed a Euphonix System 5 digital console and a System 5-MC digital console in its state-of-the-art control rooms.

Black Mirror is a large, international recording studio located just outside Udine, Italy in the middle of the Alpe-Adria region, making it easily accessible from Austria, Slovenia and Northern Italy.

Studio owner and manager, Filippo Travani, intends Black Mirror to become the benchmark for musicians, record companies and independent labels across Europe.

“Our intention is to meet the most ambitious recording requirements from pop-rock music to metal, from jazz to classical and chamber music. The studio offers services for mastering, recording and mixing, advertising jingles, background music, arrangements, voiceover and musical production,” explained Travani.

“Our dream of a state-of-the-art studio wouldn’t be complete without a Euphonix. That’s why the American manufacturer, famous for over 20 years throughout the world for its large-format consoles for the music production, post-production and broadcasting, was chosen for the mixing consoles.”

Black Mirror’s Control Room A houses a Euphonix System 5 console with 56 faders, analog “vintage” equipment and PMC–BB5-XBD loudspeakers with Bryston amplification.

System 5 is Euphonix’ flagship digital audio mixing system designed for all music recording and mixing applications. It is outfitted with high quality EQ and compression on every channel, surround capability, hundreds of DSP channels, and high resolution metering using on-screen displays.

Alternatively, Control Room B contains a 24-fader Euphonix System 5-MC that controls Digidesign Pro Tools. The System 5-MC is a DAW Controller based on the Euphonix System 5 control surface design and the innovative MC Pro; the System 5-MC tightly integrates with DAWs such as Pro Tools, Nuendo, Logic Pro, Digital Performer and Pyramix using the EuCon Ethernet control protocol.

“We are honored by Filippo Travani’s choice of two Euphonix mixing systems for this incredible new music studio,” said Chris Hollebone, Operations Director of Euphonix Europe. ”We are seeing a solid increase in world class music studios opting for Euphonix digital solutions that take full advantage of EuCon control, thereby avoiding needless conversion from analog to digital and back.

“The System 5 was originally designed as a music console and the quality of its signal path still leads the pack. As Black Mirror builds its reputation and client base, Euphonix is thrilled that we are going to be an integral part of that success.”


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