
Wavesfactory Introduces New Equalizer Plugin

Designed to provide a different approach for tonal shaping of individual tracks, buses and entire mixes.
The user interface of the new Equalizer plugin from Wavesfactory.

Spain-based Wavesfactory has announced the introduction of Equalizer, a new plugin designed to provide a different approach for tonal shaping of individual tracks, buses and entire mixes.

Equalizer analyses the incoming signal in 32 different bands and it boosts or cuts the level of each band separately in order for all of them to have the same volume. The user can select various elements of the spectrum to affect, cut or boost as a percentage of the whole spectrum, adjust attack and release of reaction time, tilt to apply the process to favor more low or high end content. The user can also apply M/S processing to apply the effect to mids or sides.

Equalizer is also designed to reduce muddiness, remove digital harshness, and add brightness to “dull” tracks. It can be used on individual instruments, group buses and on the master bus.


Cut: cut the effect as a percentage

Boost: boost the effect as a percentage

Attack/Release: change the reaction times of the algorithm in milliseconds

Amount: sets the amount of effect applied by effectively changing the gain of each band

M/S: applies the effect on the mid channel, side channel or anything in between

Tilt: favor the high or low frequencies

Mix: control the dry and wet signals with a single knob, offering uncomplicated parallel processing

Auto Gain: automatic compensation of any signal changes

Low/High Cut Filters: lets the user specify a range of action in the frequency spectrum

User Drawable Per-Band Amount: draw on the spectrum to apply more or less of the effect

Delta Signals For Cut & Boost Separately: the plugin will output the difference between the EQ signal and the dry signal, allowing the user to listen to what the plugin thinks that needs to be cut or what needs to be added

Formats & Specifications:

MacOS (Intel and Silicon) from 10.13 (High Sierra)
Windows (7/8/10/11)
AAX, Audio Units, VST, VST3

Equalizer is available at an introductory price of 59 Euro, with normal pricing of 99 Euro.
