Newsmakers: Netherlands-Based Alcons Audio Comes To The U.S.

Pace Of Evolution
Alcons’ success in notoriously finicky markets – specifically the discerning German market – also bodes well, he says, as does their gain in market share over other major competitors throughout Europe.

“A small company like this tends to grow a bit more organically, but with social media being what it is, their reputation is growing rapidly.”

The pro-ribbon driver technology, and its continued development, serves as a lynchpin. Although originally developed when Back, de Haan and Laarhoven worked with another Netherlands-based audio company, Stage Accompany, the pace of that evolution has increased substantially since.

“There’s significantly lower distortion than that of compression-based high-frequency devices, better pattern control and the ability to reproduce up to and beyond 20 kHz,” Rahn opines. “And because the material is so much lighter than that of a domed compression driver, the transient response is much better.”

Spreading The Word
Already available throughout Europe as well as Russia, Asia, Australia, the Middle East, South Africa and India, the Alcons line is literally being rolled out in its U.S. debut.

Alcons LR16 line arrays, including LR16B bass cabinets flown behind the main arrays, for the main stage at the Stockholm Jazz Festival. (click to enlarge)

“Ultimately, if you’re selling a high-end loudspeaker line, people aren’t going to specify or buy without hearing it,” he says. “One of the key components of our entry into the market is the creation of what I call the ‘Alcons mobile office and demo suite’.”

In other words, Rahn and his colleague, business development specialist Pauline Ortiz y Pino, are hitting the road in a truck and trailer loaded with Alcons gear. They plan to crisscross the country for up to nine months at a time, presenting live demos of the product line to spread the word town by town, market by market.

Rahn envisions modest, organic growth initially, but ultimately, expects the company to establish a firm and ever-expanding presence in the U.S. marketplace. “The nice thing about Alcons is it’s so unassuming. They’re really in it, not for the turnover of dollars, but for the joy of providing a better listening experience.”

Based in Toronto, Kevin Young is a freelance music and tech writer, professional musician and composer.