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Europe’s Biggest Open-Air Festival Gets DiGiCo Treatnent From Concept Solutions

"The full processing, plus dynamic EQs and multiband dynamics, even on the matrix buses, resulted in a powerful and perfectly balanced sound in every area." - Raphael Rupprecht, Concept Solutions

The Donauinselfest – or Danube Island Festival – is a huge, free annual event that attracts millions of visitors to Vienna each June.

This year, rental company Concept Solutions provided two DiGiCo SD8s for the festival’s front of house and monitor duties, supplied to them by DiGiCo Austrian distributor TON Eichinger.

Concept Solution’s Raphael Rupprecht explains what was involved at this event. “This is a three-day festival featuring open-air stages around the island,” he says. “We started working at 9 am every day, bands arrived at 10 am for sound check and the show itself ran from 3 pm to 12 pm. It was a huge workload – we had to set up our standard backline, plus the individual amps and instruments for each band and sometimes there were as many as four drum kits on stage waiting to be miked up – but all acts ran smoothly and the overall mood was great.

“The starting point for each act was a standard console setup, which was adapted as needed. I had prepared eight effects: drum plate, percussion room, medium plate, guitar chorus, vocal plate, warm hall, simple delay, kick ambiance, which was plenty for most requirements,” Rupprecht continues. “The SD8’s onboard matrix allows for 12 buses in addition to the 24 stereo buses, which is very special.

“We used this to feed main PA, subs, out fill, front fill, delays and VIP area. The full processing, plus dynamic EQs and multiband dynamics, even on the matrix buses, resulted in a powerful and perfectly balanced sound in every area, which was very nice.”

The majority of the bands had their own front of house engineer with them, with Raphael mixing those that didn’t. Concept Solutions also provided a monitor engineer, as only a few bands had taken their own.

“The SD8 has 24 stereo auxes for in-ear monitoring, all with full processing, plus a stereo master for side fills, so this was plenty for everything we needed,” adds Raphael. “The Gain Tracking feature of the SD8s was used to share the same racks between FOH and monitors, which was a great relief as in previous years we had to use huge analog splitters. This time we had less equipment, straight and clean wiring, plus better reliability – who wouldn’t like that?”

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