
SynAudCon Offers Transformer-Distributed Loudspeaker Systems Training

9 RU and 4.5 CEDIA CEU course covers transformers for signal distribution and effects of voltage, current and impedance.

SynAudCon is offering online training titled “Transformer-Distributed Loudspeaker Systems” available now.

This seminar is approved for 9 RUs and 4.5 CEDIA CEUs. Attendance includes a one-year SynAudCon membership.

Pat Brown leads this course teaching how transformers are used for signal distribution, including how they affect the applied voltage, current and reflect the connected impedance.

The last lesson includes scenarios that will walk users through some distributed system design issues.

He takes these hard-to-explain topics and uses lecture, analogies, and active demos to get the points across. If you don’t get a concept on the first pass, you will also hear it from a different perspective. Because of this approach, Brown is known to be among the best teachers in the audio industry.

Attend this seminar and look forward to having the satisfaction that your systems are the best they can be.

Prerequisite: Course 100 – Principles of Audio Online Course

The course includes:

— 5 lessons
— 18 instructional videos
— Video text and some graphics
— Audio Click-Rule Windows calculator
— Quiz after each lesson to test your knowledge
— Final Exam

Price: $199


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