Showcase: Take Our Tour Of House of Worship Sound Systems

In the beginning there was the Word. As the congregation grew, sound reinforcement was needed to hear clearly at the back of the sanctuary.

Few sound systems have as many challenges as those installed in modern houses of worship.

Contemporary worship services have incorporated rock bands and have ambitions that rival corporate and theatrical productions.

The service is often a cross between a high school musical and a Broadway show – all on a mission from God.

Expectations are high, yet the band, singers and crew are volunteers, while most buildings have inherent architectural and acoustic challenges. The technical department is consumed by training operators and a budget that gets eaten up by moving lights, video and broadcast equipment.

Yet all agree that the single most important improvement is a top-shelf sound system.

Many churches upgrade their technical systems – video, lighting, and sound – in phases, addressing one department or core function at a time as finances allow.

With a plethora of high-quality sound equipment to choose from, the time has come to look at recent upgrades in modern houses of worship.

Enjoy the slideshow tour of several church systems by clicking directly below.

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