The Alley Ball, an annual event in Houston that raises funds for the Alley Theatre, recently presented a “Dial H for Hitchcock” themed ball at The Post Oak Hotel that was supported by a sound reinforcement system headed by K-array loudspeakers and subwoofers that was designed to deliver clear, comprehensive coverage to an audience of more than 400 yet also be unobtrusive to photographers and guests.
The Events Co., a Houston-based full service production company behind the event, provided two Pinnacle KR802 II systems to address the challenges of the event. The two KR802 II systems are composed of two Thunder-KS4 I subwoofers, two Thunder-KS4P I subwoofers, and eight Kayman-KY102 stainless steel line array elements joined by mounting and flyware accessories that are designed to provide a combination of power, clarity, and discretion.
The hanging configuration of the Kayman-KY102 loudspeakers provided the desired coverage and allowed them to be integrated into the event’s decor, ensuring they didn’t distract from the elaborate Hitchcock-themed environment. Juan Mendoza served as production manager for the event.