Backup Strategies For Your Church Production Workflow

Our Presentation system is not quite as well backed up, though we do have an internal drive running Time Machine, and we sync the ProPresenter library up to the server every weekend.

That’s more of a 3-2-0. I really need to get a DropBox account for the Presentation MacPro.

Lighting is probably the least protected, with no real backup of our main show configuration or files.

As I write this, I’m again thinking, “I really need to set DropBox up on that machine…”

In addition to DropBox, there are of course other great options. Given that we really aren’t talking about huge file sizes here (an SD8 show file is just over a Meg, for example), Mozy would be a great choice. Mozy is an online backup solution that is free up to 2 Gigs.

The software is automatic and runs in the background when the computer is idle. You can selectively pick folders to back up and the rest is taken care of for you.

Mozy + DropBox would be a great belt and suspenders approach to backup. Carbonite is another option, though they don’t offer a low-volume free version.

Almost any digital sound board can be connected to a computer, and thus easily backed up.

Most also come with a USB port on them for further backup (and show transfer). Same goes for lighting desks. Once the files are on the computer, it’s easy to back them up to the cloud.

Also, consider your system processors, lighting system controls and anything else that has a file to it. Whenever I tweak my UX8800 system processor settings, I save a backup to my laptop.

My laptop is automatically backed up when at my desk via Time Machine, so I have multiple copies of that file. Same goes for my monitor processors. Think through each piece of equipment you have and see how you can get a copy or three backed up somewhere.

What would happen in the event of a complete failure of that device? How easy would it be to get your file into a backup (rental or on-site backup, or new component)?

Remember, there are two types of people in this world; those who have had a hard drive crash on them, and those who will.

What’s your plan for when it happens to you? Are there other (dare I say better) options I may have overlooked or which you prefer?

Let me know in the comments below!

Mike Sessler is the Technical Director at Coast Hills Community Church in Aliso Viejo, CA. He has been involved in live production for over 20 years and is the author of the blog, Church Tech Arts . He also hosts a weekly podcast called Church Tech Weekly on the TechArtsNetwork.